Ãœber zine issue 2 out now. Secret stickers

Posted on 31 July 2010
By Lauren Avery
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The second issue of Purple Revolver’s cut and paste zine has hit the streets of Liverpool after a launch party to celebrate DIY heroes The Blues Brothers at Studio 2, Parr Street.

A few Ãœber readers will be lucky enough to get their mitts on a copy containing stickers, which the crew have planted in a few of our selected favourite independent stores.

The Ãœber launch party went down a storm last night with entertainment in the form of Xander and the Peace Pirates, who warmed the crowd with some brilliantly toe-tapping tunes.

A few drinks and some soul food later and everyone settled down to watch a screening of The Blues Brothers.

A film well-worthy of its cult classic laurels, with star-studded musical cast (Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Ray Charles), a couple of amazingly ridiculous car chases and a story line that will inspire even the most cold-hearted cynic.

This season’s Über pays homage to the Kings of DIY culture Jake and Elwood with a vintage clothes feature, interview with SXSW Creative Director Brent Grulke and a special report on independent business and caffine hub Bold Street Coffee.

Other goodies include Korova Murder Mystery (solved thanks to Dooby Soo and the team) and our own loving tribute to Lord of Penny Lane himself, Sir Paul McCartney.

There’s a limited edition of Ãœber’s on the ground so keep your eyes peeled and bag yourself a copy before they all get snaffled. We are always looking for new creatives (the stranger you are the better) to give us their input so if you’ve already got your hands on Ãœber and think you can do better, drop us a line at [email protected]

Check out Xander and the Peace Pirates – http://www.myspace.com/xanderandthepeacepirates