Snow Queen makes anti-panto procession from unitytheatre

Posted on 30 November 2009
By Pierce King
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To celebrate the Snow Queen arrival at the unitytheatre, the cast made an anti-panto proscession through the city streets telling everyone ‘He’s not behind you!’ and ‘Panto is pants.’

The Snow Queen and her band of menacing jesters including ‘Cinderfella’ marched from Hope Place down Bold Street all the way to Liverpool One proclaiming their anti-panto message to all and bestowing Knighthoods on the converted.

Those lucky enough to be chosen to kneel before the Snow Queen were given family tickets and a meal offer from Liverpool’s premier pan-Asian eatery HoSt.

You can watch the video of their procession here before the production opens tomorrow.

Unitytheatre, Hope Street Ltd and Ullaloom Theatre Co bring you an exciting all new adaptation of the classic tale, following Gerda as she overcomes temptations and obstacles in the search for Kai, her lost friend.

Kai sees only the worst things in life since shards of a magic mirror lodged in his eyes. As a result he has grown cruel and fallen easy prey to the Snow Queen, who has captured him and taken him away to her icy domain in the north.

Visually arresting and filled with magical music and song, the Snow Queen is an epic journey, which takes you from Wicked Wizards school of Evil Looks, beyond faraway lands of musical snow flakes, goblins and mirrors that sing, to the frozen realm of the Snow Queen and her icy heart.

Unity is delighted to welcome back Patrick Dineen (The Emperor’s New Clothes) to direct and compose The Snow Queen with support from renowned children’s playwright Mike Kenny.

Filippo Fiori of the Ullaloom Theatre Company said: “This is going to be a beautiful production, very filmic… it is a fantastic story about growing up and becoming adults. The Snow Queen will bring winter with her whenever she is on stage.”

The Snow Queen continues unity’s 21-year passion for traditional stories told in an untraditional way.

This unique musical version of the Snow Queen builds upon the hugely successful productions of The Tinder Box, Pinocchio and the Emperor’s New Clothes and promises to be the ultimate seasonal delight for all the family this Christmas.

The Snow Queen serves as the perfect lead into unity’s 30th anniversary year at it’s Hope Place home. With spectacular details yet to be announced, 2010 is sure to be a spectacular year at unity – and all the brilliant people there are telling you to watch this space.

The Snow Queen at unitytheatre Tue 1 December 09 – Sat 23 January 10. Tickets: £9, children £5, bring the family (2 adults 2 children) for only £25! Book your tickets now on 0151 709 4988 or