Single Review: Subsource – The Ides

Posted on 10 March 2010
By Danny Keightley
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Genre jugglers Subsource are a cocky bunch — convinced their conglomerate mass of glitchy eletronica, pulsing dubstep, metal and savage synths will leave audiences globally comatosed and shagged-out after they pound ’em to fuck, and finish them off with a ferocious drill & bass beating. ‘Something sinister is rising on the horizon’ and its name is Subsource.

Oh really?

What can only be described as an underwhelming intro morphs into a steady beat mixed with vocals which bear similarities to American Electro act InnerPartySystem; only to progress towards some straightforward rock beats that back a repetetive refrain. In fact, the only interesting moment in ‘The Ives’ is the dubstep bassline which growls behind some decent keys somewhere after the middle mark.

Essentially a poor man’s Prodigy with more ambition than you can shake a stick at. Let’s hope they bare their teeth a little more when their LP, ‘Tales From The Doombox’ is released April 5th.