White Belt Yellow Tag have had an eventful month so far; following vocalist Craig Pilbin’s accident in which a ceiling fell on his head, and video released for new single, Always & Echoes. WBYT they play their last show of their tour with The Automatic tonight at London Garage. Phew.
Now, Always & Echoes may be rich with ambience, with a sheened production, soaring vocals, and a gorgeous video to boot (that you can check out on the side of this review), but there’s hardly anything that grabs you, shakes you about the head and demands you to keep listening.
Having said that, it’s a grower — filled with substance, and subtleties that a single never usually has.
Wrong choice for a single? Or is the rest of WBYT’s new album Methods as beautifully endearing as this? You’ll have to find out yourself April, 5 when that bad boy hits stores.
Check ’em out at www.myspace.com/whitebeltyellowtag
Keep an eye out for Methods at your local store.