Purple Revolver caught up with Matt Bigland, lead singer of Dinosaur Pile Up before his Liverpool gig in The Masque with Turbo Wolf and Apple Canon.
Last time Dinosaur Pile Up played in Liverpool the gig was by all accounts insane and Matt commented: “We are always happy to play in Liverpool, the crowd were mental last time and we want more of the same. We have changed line-ups recently and this feels like the final piece of the jig saw. We just want to get out there and play now.â€
The Leeds lads have recently been on tour with The Pixies and Matt said of the experience: “That was a surreal one. I am a massive fan of the band and to support Frank Black is amazing, it took a while to sink in to be honest that I was supporting one of my heroes.â€
When asked whether The Pixies had obscene backstage demands or if they were particularly rowdy on tour, Matt was extremely complementary of the legendary rockers saying: “They didn’t act like primma donnas at all, they have been doing this for 25 years so they have mellowed. Individually they are all really nice people. Especially Joe, he is a really great guy to be around.â€
When asked what song from The Pixies back catalogue he would pinch as his own Matt said: “It would have to be Tame I think. I mean they have so many great songs it would be hard to pick one, but I absolutely love that track.â€
On the website we are having a Bill Murray week, and Matt himself is obviously a big fan saying: “I think Bill Murray is a genius, in terms of pure funniness he is off the scale. I have always been a fan of Wes Anderson’s films and Bill Murray was great in The Royal Tenenbaums.â€
In terms of future projects Dinosaur Pile Up have got a packed schedule and Matt is looking forward to it all saying: “We have got a lot on and we just want to get out there now. We have been in the studio working on our debut album and that will be coming out the 4th of Oct, so we will be pushing that.â€
“We have got a few tour dates with Feeder in the pipeline as well which I am looking forward to, and we released our single Mona Lisa yesterday, so it’s all going good.â€
Talking of Mona Lisa the band have just recently finished the video which they shot themselves and can be watched on the YouTube link.
Matt said: “We have just completed the Mona Lisa video which I am really proud of. The budget was tight but I think it looks great, we had a massive prosthetic brain made in a big warehouse with plastic tubing and tape. We are then playing the track from inside my brain effectively in the video.â€
“I just wanted the video to be fun, like I watched OK Go’s new video on YouTube recently for White knuckles and I think that is awesome, with all the dogs. It is for a good cause as well supporting the RSPCA.â€