Rich Bennett ready to release new album

Posted on 17 August 2010
By Norman Parker
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New York’s maestro of shadowy lounge tinged pop Rich Bennett is back with a follow up to his stunning 2008 album Music for Underwater Supermarkets entitled On Holiday.

Influenced by the classic exotica of Martin Denny, the aching folk-pop of Fleet Foxes, and the conceptual sweep of The Zombies’ Odessey and Oracle, Bennett’s latest work is brimming with subtly dark, breezy melodies and the buoyant vocals of both Bennett and Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter Rebecca Pronsky.

From the gorgeous single Misty Valley to the delicious minor key melancholy of Night Part 2, On Holiday is as intoxicating as it is playful.

The album is out now through Australian label Hidden Shoal Recordings whose recent releases include Boxharp’s The Green, Iretsu’s Fang and Salli Lunn’s Heresy and Rite.

Check out the first single from the album here: